Wednesday 17 January 2018

Life, a beautiful experience!

Life has a way of throwing a googly at you, every time you make plans, when you think you have everything under control. It has the capacity to pull you down, give you pain, heartaches, you name it, it does. Then again, it is the best teacher one could wish for all things it teaches you. When something bad or sad happens, should we give up or should we go with the flow, blaming on everything and everyone or even better, should we fight against all odds and come victorious in the end, with another experience up our sleeves and many more lessons learnt? That's a choice you need to make. Giving up is easy; sulking and crying foul is even easier, but facing and fighting against all odds is next to near impossible, but it is worth a choice to make. 

First 18 yrs of my life have been perfect. I was brought up like a Princess with people at my beck and call. Everything was handed over on a platter to me. I had no exposure to the outside World. If my luck would have it, I could have lived like that, but Alas! It was not meant to be.

My luck ran out, once I completed 18. I was thrown in the deep end and ended up swimming to the other end of the spectrum. I learnt to swim, slowly but surely. I learnt the art of handling people’s emotions, and managing them. I learnt what humiliation was. I found out how lonely one can be, though surrounded by people all the time. Being an only child, I learnt that what’s mine, is never mine; I had learnt the art of sharing and giving. I also learnt (the hard way) that no matter what you do for people, they would have only their vested interests in mind. Their families mattered more than you, though you were part of their families. I learnt that there’s no one who cared more for you than your parents. The most valuable lesson I learnt in life was that, in utmost distress and tragedies, you were all alone and that you needed to be stronger and face everything head on.

Do I have regrets? Absolutely not! "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny - CS Lewis” When something bad happens, you have 3 choices. You can let it define you; let it destroy you or let it strengthen you.

What do all these life experiences do to you? They humble you; make you stronger; teach you the real meaning of life; break you but then build you up stronger and taller; bring out the humility in you; make you aware of, to appreciate and be at peace with your surroundings;

Go on! Don’t succumb and sulk! Face life boldly. In fact, life is so beautiful to sit and sulk or give up!

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