Sunday 20 September 2020

#25daysofwriting; #Day6; #giving

"Your hand should always be on top"

Meaning, one should always be the giver and not the receiver.

A very noble sentiment without a doubt. In fact, it has been a way of life, I have always wanted to emulate. 

I have always wanted to be the giver and not the taker. Truth be told, there have been occasions when I have been silently proud of being the giver. Silent because I have not wanted to be considered proud.   

"வலது கை கொடுப்பது இடது கைக்கு தெரியக் கூடாது"

Since this was a message that had been ingrained from childhood, I had not thought much about it till a couple of days ago when I read an article. And for the first time in my life, my mind rejected it. 

The first thought to cross my mind upon hearing this was, 'Should we be teaching our children that 'giving is good' while being in a position of receiving is bad and/or humiliating? 

There could be many reasons for me thinking thus - probably the strongest one is that I have been more of a receiver than a giver all through my life. For the first time when I became a receiver of physical & emotional supports, I felt overwhelmed and humiliated. Receiving help has not been an easy process - I have had to give up my ego. There sure is a difference between ego and self respect, but, the line can be very blurry at times. My emotions have ranged from self pity, sadness and of shame that I would not be able to return the favours physically, to gratitude and sense of indebtedness for life.

Luckily, I have maintained to keep my hand up when it came to giving financially. This does not mean I am rich; just that, I am happy to share whatever little I have. It gives me immense pleasure.

Becoming a receiver has taught me humility. And at a life lesson level, it has taught me that one's circumstances or conditions will not be the same always - one can not have the upper hand at all points of time. 

Can we teach our young ones that being a recipient? 

More importantly, can we, as adults, accept that it is okay to be a recipient every once in a while? 

What do you think? 

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